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 Have you ever played a shooting game

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Have you ever played a shooting game Empty
PostSubject: Have you ever played a shooting game   Have you ever played a shooting game Icon_minitimeTue 26 Sep 2023 - 4:35

Have you ever played a shooting game like Counter-Strike?
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Posts : 1463
Join date : 2022-08-22
Age : 46
Location : Finland

Have you ever played a shooting game Empty
PostSubject: Re: Have you ever played a shooting game   Have you ever played a shooting game Icon_minitimeTue 26 Sep 2023 - 17:22

I've played Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, but only single player.
I've never played any shooter team multiplayer and very little as death matches either (mostly Medal of Honor: Allied Assault).

Come to think of it, I've more played third person and/or scifi shooters than WWII-modern "realistic" shooters. Aside MoH:AA I've played the original Battlefield game 1942 and bit of couple others.

Shooters are pretty varied genre, you've got military/war shooters, tactical/team shooters, third person (which can be more or less action adventure or open world), GTA clones (ones with less emphasis on driving), survival/RPG...
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Have you ever played a shooting game
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