I love following/listening to people who are productive and successful and I've noticed that most people who are successful and productive tend to have a daily plan and write down to do lists. My question to you is, do you follow a daily plan or a to do list at all? How do you make sure you get everything done?
Lately I've been using a daily and even a weekly planner and I must admit it has helped A LOT. Not only does it remind me of what I need to get done but it also motivates me to get things done. For some reason checking things off of a list is VERY satisfying. Plus knowing that things are written down and not just trying to remember what needs to get done is a lot less stressful.
I find with a planner I am much more effective when it comes to being productive and actually getting things done. What about you? Do you follow a daily or even weekly/monthly planner? If so, what made you start planning? If not, do you think you'll ever be a planner or you're happy with just having a list in your head?